


Regular health examination for faculties and staffs are scheduled from August 29, 2024 to September 4, 2024 (excluding holidays). Please refer to the self-funded project of the health examination of the inspected personnel in our school.

(If you do not need to add optional items, you do not need to fill in this survey)



        檢查時間:於113年8月29日-9月4日 (不含星期六、日),上午8:00-12:00 (11:30截止報到)

        檢查地點:長庚大學第二醫學大樓 B2 臨床技能與模擬中心。

1. According to Article 17 of the Labor Health Protection Regulations, Chang Gung University will conduct health examinations for faculty and staff in 2024. Detailed information will be announced later. This announcement is to investigate whether there is a need for additional self-funded items.

  • Examination Time: From August 29 to September 4, 2024 (excluding Saturday and Sunday), from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (registration closes at 11:30 AM).
  • Examination Location: Chang Gung University, Second Medical Building, B2 Clinical Skills and Simulation Center.




      **請自行確認名單中校區欄位,如為「林口(嘉義)」,表示括號前為人事檔工作地區 - 林口,括號內為實際工作場域 - 嘉義,此次健康檢查以括號內地區為實際受檢地區。請同仁自行向 人事室申請更新人事檔工作地區,以利日後健檢作業進行安排,避免影響自身健康檢查權益(如人事檔工作地點為林口,健檢地點即安排在林口,無法更動為嘉義地區)。

2. The list of employees eligible for this health examination is provided by the Personnel Office and includes those who are still employed as of February 29, 2024. (Due to privacy concerns, please refer to the employee email "Chang Gung University Announcement System" for the detailed list).

**If you do not frequently use the university staff email, please set up forwarding to your personal email. Individual notifications cannot be sent.

**Please check the campus field in the list. If it says "Linkou (Chiayi)", it means that the work location in the personnel file is Linkou, and the actual work site is Chiayi. The health examination location will be based on the actual work site in parentheses. Employees should contact the Personnel Office to update the work location in the personnel file to facilitate future health examination arrangements and avoid affecting their health examination rights (e.g., if the personnel file work location is Linkou, the examination location will be arranged in Linkou and cannot be changed to Chiayi).



3. The Health Examination Center at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital offers various self-funded health examination items for selection by Chang Gung University faculty and staff. Colleagues from the Chiayi and Kaohsiung branches should also fill out this form. The discounted prices are consistent with those at the Linkou campus.


四、此為健康檢查自費項目連結,請有需自費加選健檢項目人員於113年7月15日(一)23 : 59 前完成填寫調查資料,以利林口長庚醫院健檢中心後續作業。: https://forms.office.com/r/wCVQHnCZJZ


4. This is the link for the self-funded health examination items. Staff who wish to add self-funded examination items should complete the survey by 11:59 PM on Monday, July 15, 2024, to facilitate the subsequent operations of the Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Health Examination Center: https://forms.office.com/r/wCVQHnCZJZ

**Self-funded items are listed in the attachment.



If you have any questions, please email D000018868@cgu.edu.tw