

       環安室依政府法令規定,辦理 113 年度本校教職員工一般健康檢查、游離輻射及甲醛作業特殊健檢。


1. 檢查時間:113 年 8 月 29 日- 9 月 4 日 (不含星期六、日), 上午 8:00-12:00 (11:00 截止報到)。

2. 檢查地點:長庚大學第二醫學大樓 B2 臨床技能與模擬中心。


二、全校應受檢人員名冊梯次(因涉及個人資訊,僅在e-mail提供)、檢查注意事項及流程圖詳如附件,請務必詳閱;提醒您,請攜帶健保卡在檢查時間報到,檢查前請禁食 8 小 時


三、本次健檢檢查名冊依 113/02/29 前到職人事室提供之在職名單施行,檢查時間為上午施行,請務必依排程梯次前往。


四、如體檢當日臨時有外務無法依安排時間前往,請於113年8月29日- 9月4日 (不含星期六、日)期間擇一日前往;為考量同仁公務繁忙未能在安排之梯次到檢,已洽醫院安排補檢,補檢日期為113年9月10、13、27日,林口長庚醫院/兒童大樓J棟28:30-9:30報到,如欲安排請洽環安室邱技士(分機3884)​







2.嘉義長庚人員健檢日期:113/08/19至113/08/30,不含假日,共計10天,請於上午08:30-11:00或下午13:30 - 16:00 至嘉義長庚醫院 G 棟二樓家醫科駕駛人體檢室,檢查注意事項詳見附件,體檢後收據請繳交予李美鳳技士(嘉義長庚分機 2096)。​​

3.高雄長庚人員開放預約健檢日期 08/15-08/31 (最晚請健檢日一週前預約), 體檢日期為 09/01-09/30,體檢後報告影本及收據請於 113 年 10 月底前統一繳交謝淑娟小姐 (高雄長庚分機 8148)。






1. 健檢期間,長庚醫院將有研究計畫收案,符合條件者,簽署同意書後,在健檢當天除原有檢驗項目外,將額外多收集血液與尿液檢體,以及問卷、體組成量測等。請參考附件受試者招募海報、檢測項目,如對計畫有興趣,請聯繫研究助理陳小姐0968-703-698,或於當日現場報名。



  1. https://cghhealth.cgmh.org.tw/MobileRegister/

    請輸入   專案編號:2024080905、身分證字號、 出生年月日,按下登入即可開始填寫相關問卷。

  2. 填完請截圖並於體檢當日呈現給報到同仁。

2024 Chang Gung University Routine Health Examination for Faculty and Staff

Dear Faculty and Staff,

In accordance with government regulations, the Office of Environmental Safety and Hygiene will conduct the 2024 routine health examination including special examinations for ionizing radiation and formaldehyde exposure, for our university's faculty and staff.

  • Date and Location

1. Service Time:2024/08/29-2024/09/04 08:30-12:00   Please bring National Health Insurance (NHI) card  and  check before 11:00a.m..

2. Location: The 2nd Medical Science Building B2 Center for Clinical Skills & Simulation

  • Please see the attached file to check your course for the health examination. (Please check your email.)   Nothing Per Os (NPO) at least for 8 hours before the health examination..

  • This health examination will be conducted based on the employment list provided by the Personnel Office as of February 29, 2024. The checkups will take place in the morning, so please make sure to attend according to the scheduled time slots.


  • If you have urgent external duties on the day of the health examinations and cannot attend at the scheduled time, please choose another date to visit between August 29 and September 4, 2024 (excluding weekends). Considering that colleagues may be too busy to attend their scheduled time slots, we have coordinated with the hospital to arrange rescheduled health examinations. The rescheduled dates are September 10, 13, and 27, 2024, with check-in from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. If you wish to reschedule, please email Ms. Qiu Pin-Zhen at the Office of Environmental Safety and Hygiene (Email: D000018868@cgu.edu.tw).

  • In accordance with Article 20, Paragraph 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employees are obligated to undergo health examinations. We urge all colleagues to take care of their health, value medical resources, and actively participate in the examinations. Those who violate Article 20, Paragraph 6 will be fined up to NT$3,000.

*If you have already participated in the employee health examination at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (including health examination from other medical institutions approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, provided that all regulatory items are included) and do not wish to participate in our school's health examination, please fill out the Non-Examination Statement (as attached) and submit it to the Office of Environmental Safety and Hygiene, along with a copy of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital employee health examination for reference.

  • Arrangement for Branch Staff (as listed in the roster) is planned according to the health examination quota of our school, to be conducted at the health examination center of the respective hospital campus. You need to advance the payment for the examination and then apply for reimbursement with the receipt; for those who select self-paid items, the cost will not be deducted from the salary:

1.Keelung Chang Gung staff, due to the small number, are not separately arranged and should return to the school for health examinations.

2.Chiayi Chang Gung Staff Health Check-up Dates: From August 19 to August 30, 2024, for a total of 10 days. Please report to the Driver's Physical Examination Room on the 2nd floor of Building G, Family Medicine Department, Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, between 08:30-11:00 AM or 13:30-16:00 PM. Please refer to the attached document for important health examination instructions. After the examination, please submit your receipt to Ms. Li Mei-Feng (Chiayi Chang Gung extension 2096).

3.Kaohsiung Chang Gung staff can book health examination dates from 08/15 to 08/31 (please make a reservation at least one week before the examination date). The examination dates are from 09/01 to 09/30. Please submit the copy of the examination report and the receipt to Ms. Hsieh Shu-juan (Kaohsiung Chang Gung extension 8148) by the end of October 2024.

* Reservation methods can be by phone or email: Please call 07-7317123#3696, 3697, 2168, 2266 or email directly to: n76805@cgmh.org.tw, f12578@cgmh.org.tw, bbb0845@cgmh.org.tw, hsia24@cgmh.org.tw, pin7770@cgmh.org.tw.

  • If you have any other related questions, please email D000018868@cgu.edu.tw.